Can a Communal Mindset Help You Close a Sale?

I had an insightful conversation with a missionary to Haiti, where two of my children are from. She spoke of a communal mindset where people are not inclined to “get ahead” of the pack. For those that do advance, what is gained belongs to the community. This philosophy is opposite of our American concept of […]

How Yoga Improved the Sales Process

An a-ha moment from an interesting place. In yoga class the other morning, the teacher said, “Rather than criticize your body for what you can’t do, just make an observation.” That comment redirected my thinking through a frustrating work situation. Our principles and methods for lead generation, managing the sales cycle, and closing deals rely […]

Getting A Response To Your Email

Scenario: Someone gave you a good lead or you’ve developed a lead yourself over time. These leads warrant pursuit. In either case, they’re at the top of your list to contact – whether they’re a new prospect or someone in your pipeline. The secret to getting a response from someone is to not just use […]

Where Work Ends and Life Begins

On a note that has nothing to do with business and everything to do with living, I’m compelled to get personal sometimes. I’m an adoptive mother of two Haitian-American beauties – a role more complicated and unpredictable than selling, lead generating, or closing business. In 2009, my husband and I brought home two sisters, ages […]